Friday, 5 August 2016


Venezia - How I am glad I met you
Venice was by far my favourite place I travelled to whilst being in Italy. It was definitely worth going a bit further and staying overnight in a hostel (which actually turned out to be very nice too). I felt very spontaneous as I didn't book trains or plan what I would do there, I just knew I had to go. I would have regretted not going. 

Everywhere I went was so so beautiful and I was in awe of the whole city. My favourite thing to do was just wander around the place and take it all in, the buildings, the canals and meeting local people. It was also a bit of a break for me because everyone here spoke English, for four weeks I had tried to speak Italian (what very little I know) and simple English in the town centre of Bergamo. I would like to continue learning the language for next year.

Pigeon Guy
The San Marco area was just exquisite and where I probably spent most of my time. For some reason though, every time I go to a big city (Venice, Milan, etc) some crazy guy would try and either make me feed a pigeon or put one on my head. I HATE PIGEONS and I always have, it the feet and the twitching! So this was a nightmare for me - hence the drawing above. There's only so many times you can say 'No grazie' before you start to lose patience with the crazy pigeon man!

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