Saturday, 24 June 2017

Roller Skating - Final

This illustration was a lot of fun for me to make. It was a nice change to create something that stems from such a light-hearted topic, in comparison to the have more of a serious or meaningful subject matter. Often, because of this I don't tend to use bright colour schemes like this one.

Roller Skating - Colour & Roughing

I am becoming a lot more comfortable working with colour and it is now a part of the natural process I go through when deciding how I want my final imagery to be consumed by an audience. Setting the tone can be adapted easily when changing the values of colour. 

Following ideas I started in my summer sketchbook, I decided to rough out the skates on Photoshop first. I like the idea of being able to adapt and change things as I go along. 

Friday, 16 June 2017

Final Illustrations

Main Illustration
Overall I am pleased with the final illustration for 'Wild Gathering'. I had a lot of fun with this image in particular and enjoyed the process of adding detail and deciding which elements I would add in. I was a bit nervous to begin with when focusing on hands, but I am glad I persevered with it.

Title Illustration
The title illustration I thought should be a put together plate of food that I had used in the main image - sort of like what the final 'product' of foraging would be.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Colour Scheme

I knew that earthy colours would work best for the subject matter, that was sort of a given. However, I don't want the image to be dull or too obvious. Including yellows and oranges as a representation of a colourful food collection is something I definitely want to consider.

I adapted the original colour scheme to include more neutral shades of orange and green.


When starting the roughing process around of the theme of foraging I started a spider diagram of elements I found interesting during my research around the topic. The ideas of collecting and working together were the things I wanted to concentrate on within my image. After deciding this, I pretty quickly thought about the use of hands as a suggestion of sharing and gathering.

My more developed roughs all include hands, along with foraged produce. Because I am rubbish at drawing hands without reference material I took quick photographs of my own hands in the positions I thought would work best within the frame to work from.

Hands Reference Pics

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Independent Leeds - The Brief

Image result for independent leeds logo

Independent Leeds
After contributing to the last issue of Independent Leeds magazine, they contacted me again with another article I may be interested in producing work for. For me, I was very excited to create something in response to another editorial piece. Editorial is something I want to introduce into my practice more and I am much less weary of tackling these types of briefs.

The opportunity consists of producing two illustrations (one for the header and one half page image) in response to an article based around the theme of food foraging in Leeds. Something I really like about working on editorial is the chance to research and educate myself on a variety of topics.